And so we go about experimenting with early onset technological dependency.
Here's Little Nio getting some first hand instruction on how to use his mobile cellular toy phone. Comes complete with ring tones and all sorts of flashing lights.
This is Little Nio with the PDA that comes with the set. It randomly plays one of several dozen melodies when activated and it's also a mini Etch-A-Sketch.
Cookies will always play an important role in the food experience of Little Nio. Not only is it a tactile and gastronomic experience, but it is a means of self-expression and a very rudimentary form of performance art. I'm a big fan of his work here.
Visiting the new house, which is still under construction here. From left-to-right, Pa Kut, Little Nio, his Mommy and his Lola Tiab.
After the visit, we all went to have lunch over at "My House Hotel". Here's Little Nio taking a rest on his Daddy's lap.
Later that evening, we went out to dinner at Gerald's House. That's Tita Gerald on the left, then Little Nio and Mommy and then Tito Tata at the other end.
Family photo of the Navarros.
Little Nio catches a power nap in his Daddy's arms back in our apartment at SB Court.
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