Don't look so surprised to see him. Little Nio is back in action! At eight months he's really grown so much taller, but he hasn't gained too much weight. He's just a little over seven kilograms here.
Here he is wearing his bear cap, sitting with his mommy in front of daddy's computer gear. He's having a look around and starting to plan how he can disconnect stuff when he gets a bit older.
Last October 17th, we were delighted at the opportunity to have dinner with Little Nio's Tito Rene (at left) and his Lolo Mon (at right). The funny looking guy carrying him is Little Nio's dad.
They were visiting Bangkok on a business trip, and we were able to catch up with them at a restaurant across from the Ambassador Hotel where they were staying. The name of the restaurant is "Rotsabieng", which translates as the dining car on a train and the restaurant is similarly themed — even having a modestly sized miniature train set running in the middle of the restaurant.
Chewing string beans while under the watchful supervision of Tito Rene.
Lolo Mon is lifting Little Nio up to get a better look. Both of them were pretty curious to get to know each other better.
After all the walking around, chewing on veggies (with most of them falling all over the floor) and getting picked up a lot, here is Little Nio getting a quick chug of beer from his mom's mug. He's not really drinking the beer, but is actually drooling into the beer.
Sitting down to dinner at one of our favorite restaurants, "Samsen Tavern", located right across from the hospital where Little Nio was born. The food is excellent, the prices are very reasonable and Little Nio is a favorite with their friendly staff. He even has his own high chair there, which he sits in very well behaved... for a few minutes.
More recently, Little Nio has begun standing up in his play pen... and he has started walking around! Supporting himself on the edges, he drags himself, hand over fist, clockwise around the perimeter. That's the interesting thing though. He can only now go in a clockwise direction. If you try to call his attention to come back he only blinks at your location as if to spot it in his mind and off he goes the long way around. We're hoping that counter-clockwise becomes part of his skill set later on.
Now here's an interesting photo. See if you can spot Little Nio hiding in that pile. If he doesn't move, it's almost like camouflage and he blends in with the surrounding cuteness of all his little stuffed toys.
He moved. There... you've spotted Little Nio.
Here he is carefully examining the tail of his kangaroo (given to him by the paternal grandfather and grandmother of his maternal cousin, Alisara Rose Wood). It's a bit complicated... my wife, Kanittha's sister, Somkid, is married to an Australian, named John Wood. Their daughter, Alisara, is Little Nio's cousin. Johnny's parents, John Senior and Rosa were the ones who gave the kangaroo to Little Nio.
We'll close this post with another priceless smile from Little Nio, who has only two bottom teeth right now. He may have only two teeth, but he's not afraid to use them.