Here we are again at KiDO, playing with their special toy of the day... and that day they brought out the "octagon".
At first our son was a bit apprehensive, but with his fuzzy friend, "Vincenzo" (given to him by his Lolo Jun), Little Nio really starts to enjoy himself.
Here he is spending a bit of time with his Daddy.
One of the things they have at KiDO that Little Nio really enjoys is an area with lots of little colored balls. The colors overwhelm him and he really has a grand time.
Here he is again with his nanny, "Pa Ohm". Little Nio absolutely adores her and they are very good friends. More than his Mommy or his Daddy, he spends more time with his Nanny.
Not sure if you've all noticed, but Little Nio can now sit up all by himself. Major milestone in his development. He seems a bit bewildered by his own achievement here. Either that or he can't figure out what all the fuss is about.
Here we are in our car, with Little Nio sitting on his Mommy's lap, on our way to his last play session at KiDO. He has a long term membership fee with KiDO (until he turns six years old) that allows him free use of all the facilities, but we only signed up for ten play school sessions.
Once again with the balls at KiDO, but this time we've tried to pick out only the blue balls for Little Nio.
Since he can now sit-up and practically stand up, we've gotten him a walker.
Here we are at Vichaiyut Hospital for Little Nio's regular doctor's visit. He's waiting anxiously sitting in front of his pediatrician's office. Dr. Wanasiri.
There's a little play area in the hospital at the pediatrics ward. Here Little Nio and his mommy decide to take a ride on one of the play animals there.
Busting with confidence he decides to ride solo.
You can tell he's really having a fun time. His expressions are priceless.
Back at home, almost ready for bed, he plays with his favorite rattle that came with a set that was given to him by a colleague of mine, Haydn Thomas.
Here he is in his play pen with his buddy, "Vincenzo".