Time to travel again!
Here we are at the Woodlands in Pattaya, Chonburi. A fantastic place with great food and an awesome pool. Service was very good and the rooms were decent, but prices were a little bit steep.
Here's Kanittha in the pool in her itsy-bitsy teeny-weeny red polka dot bikini. We were there for about four days, but if I recall correctly she brought about five or six suits.
Big breakfast on our second day. Absolutely wonderful food. On Saturday evenings they have an awesome dinner buffet, which we of course enjoyed immensely.
Here's Kanittha at the bar of the Woodlands, just before we left to go to the Tiffany Show.
In the two years that I lived in Pattaya, I never had the chance to go and visit this transvestite cabaret extravaganza.
Here she is posing with the star of the Tiffany show — Nong Poi and Kanittha. Now before anyone says anything they might regret, it should be stated that Nong Poi is in fact a guy. Or is in the process of re-inventing himself.
Here we are — Nong Poi, Kanittha and myself. You can read more about the Tiffany Show at the link above.
After the show, we decided to enjoy a late seafood dinner.
And the next day we enjoyed noodles...
And the breakfast after that, some soup. You can see a pattern of eating here. My wife is petite and a bit underweight, so I have been encouraging her to eat.
Here's Kanittha mugging for the camera, putting on her sneaky face. Probably looking for something to eat again.