From left-to-right: my mother-in-law, Khun Tiab; Little Nio and his Mommy; his cousin, Pi Toon and of course my sister-in-law Pa Khut. Little Nio is complaining that his Daddy is not in the photograph and gets very vocal about it.
Here's another group photograph, but this time with Daddy carrying Little Nio. Notice how he's not too upset about Mommy being the one who is taking the photograph. Perhaps he thinks that Mommy takes better photographs and knows his good side.
Just like on "Animal Planet", but with much better reception — and no commercial breaks. We all get treated to a real slice of nature as we watched a monitor lizard catch a live fish, and then successfully evade as another competing monitor lizard attempted to steal his catch.
Posing with a stuffed crocodile, Little Nio cautiously attempts to pet the snout.
Here's Little Nio with his Daddy, who is pointing out and meticulously trying to explain all about the ostriches.
And here's Little Nio explaining to his Daddy that he shouldn't talk too much about everything and simply enjoy the sights, sounds and smells of the day.
A shrill shriek from Little Nio brings this troop of meerkats to attention.
Here's Little Nio sharing a moment with his Mommy, while posing in front of some very cool elephant statues.
Little Nio sandwiched between his Mommy and Daddy with this very noisy fountain right behind. The noise is making him restless and annoyed. We had a great time that day, but less than an hour after these photographs were taken there was a tremendous downpour of rain and we had to cut short our visit to the zoo. We're not too upset about this because we know that we will all have another opportunity to visit again soon.