Sometime before or after our visit to Manila, we decided to take a day trip to visit the ancient ruins of the former capital of the Kingdom of Siam, Ayutthaya.
There were just the four of us — myself, Kanittha, and her two half sisters, Oh and Na. We got up early one morning, hailed a taxi cab and said we all wanted to go to Ayutthaya, we agreed on a price for the whole day and away we went.
The three ladies just barely awake — Oh, Kanittha and Na.
We also had a chance to visit the elephants. Once upon a time there were literally hundreds of elephants kept in the precepts of the palace in Ayutthaya. It's popular knowledge that elephants are a highly regarded animal in Thailand. They are revered as a symbol of royalty and respected as a beast of burden.
You can barely see them in this image but somewhere up the ruins of that stupa you will see the three girls.
I was able to take hundreds of amazing photographs that day, with the Buddha head overgrown by the roots of a tree being one of those images. Although, one of the saddest and most moving scenes is this silent row of derelict Buddha images.