This weekend was scheduled for visiting ongoing work at the Embassy of the Republic of South Africa.
Here's Little Nio and his Mommy posing in front of the secure entrance of the embassy.
While most construction sites are not exactly what one might call a child-friendly environment, this site is an interior fit-out and it's nearing completion as well so there's not too much that isn't safe about the place and the construction pollution is negligible.
Here's Little Nio inspecting a bucket of paint on the job site. You can see that he's put on quite a bit of weight. While he might not look too chubby, he's very densely packed so Little Nio is really heavy. I really like this shirt he's wearing — a tribute to the Special Air Service (SAS).
While his Mommy was doing a bit of grocery shopping, Little Nio managed to convince some sales clerks to give him a balloon from their display. Here he is running around the retail mall near the embassy with his new balloon.
More running around with the new balloon. Little Nio has fully recovered from the bout of sickness following our trip to Manila and the colds that were floating around Bangkok in recent weeks.
After the embassy, we passed by Bon Marché to buy food for dinner and some snacks. Here's Little Nio doing a bit of window shopping at one of the shops there. I think he saw something particularly interesting, so he spent some time looking at it.
Here he is with his Mommy, making faces for the camera.
Even though some of our weekends have to accommodate my work, we try to create an opportunity for adventure so that we can all have fun together.