She had been acting up again for the past few days, but I never really thought to do a check of her bathroom until today. She had been going to sleep very late and was loosing weight again. Her skin, while looking better had started showing signs of fresh cuts and scabbing where she had been scratching herself raw again.
When I took a good look at everything I found, I realized that this had not been going on for only a few days. From the looks of things, this is about a week or two weeks of junk.
I also discovered a small tin that used to be for breath mints, but inside were seven empty small resealable plastic bags. Elsewhere in her stash I found two more identical plastic bags, but these two were not empty.
So, this is what crystal methamphetamine or "ice" looks like. My first face-to-face encounter with the enemy.
After I found her stash I confronted my wife and told her that our house is a drug-free home and that there is no room for a person who takes drugs in our house. There is only room for a good person, a good wife and a loving mother. If she chooses to take drugs then she should take her paraphernalia with her and leave the house. I phoned her elder brother, Khun Rin, and quickly informed him that my wife was back on drugs again, and that I did not know what to do with her, but that she was not welcome to stay if she was high on drugs.
I thought she would cave in and feel extreme remorse and ask for forgiveness. She just went into a screaming fit, took the paper bag of drug paraphernalia and left the house. She didn't even have any slippers on when she walked out of the house. She was only wearing some shorts and a sleeveless blouse. She left the house at around 6:00PM.
I phoned up my employer's wife, P'Lek, hoping she might know of a good policeman that might be able to talk some sense into my wife. She didn't know of anyone. Then my boss, Donal, returned the call and advised that I should make sure that there is a neutral third party present to witness what is going on. He also gave me the number of the police (191) and the tourist police, just in case things get messy.
At approximately 6:20PM one of the maids of the village, Pa Nhu, saw her sitting and crying near the spirit house behind the main clubhouse. Both the maid and I went and saw my wife there, but she quickly left us when we approached her. I informed the security supervisor of what was going on, he was in the middle of doing his rounds on bicycle turning on the village street lights. I also informed him that I needed to see some records of visits to our home when I was away at work. I had heard that an old beat up green car has been visiting our house, and that my wife had let a tall thin man come visit her in our home.
I returned home to make sure that our son, Little Nio, was able to take a bath and get some dinner.
After dinner at around 7:00 PM, I prepared a bag with a change of clothes and underwear for my wife, her wallet, her citizen card and her mobile phones. I did not leave any house keys inside her bag as I do not want to leave that flank exposed. I also prepared a pair of purple slippers and a red raincoat, all of which I left on the small bench in our driveway. I took the photographic evidence shown above and I then went out to see if I could find her. She was no longer at the spirit house.
About an hour later I spotted her from our second floor balcony window trying to come into our house gate below. It was locked so she was attempting to scale over it, but when she realized I was watching she went away again. By the time I was down on the ground floor, she had already left. Shortly after this particular incident I noticed that a taxi had come to pick up our next door neighbor who was going to catch a flight overseas. This bit of information might be handy in getting corroborating evidence for my timeline later on.
At approximately 9:35 PM, I left the house again to look for her. I came across my wife sitting on a park bench near the fountain in front of the village clubhouse. She was speaking to one of the village security guards. He was asking her if anything was the matter, and she replied that there was nothing wrong and she was about to go home. It was then that I walked up behind them and invited her to come back home. She got up, still holding her bag of drug paraphernalia, and hurriedly walked away without a word to me. I then turned to the security guard and confided that she was not herself and asked that the security team keep an eye out for her well being.
It is almost 1:00 AM of the following day. It started raining heavily at around 11:00 PM last night. I have a towel prepared downstairs just in case my wife decides to come back to us. I love my wife, but right now, this woman is someone completely different.
She needs to choose to do the right thing, but she's chosen her bag of drugs and left us after I presented her with her options.