My wife, Kanittha, took this photograph of Little Nio and his Daddy enjoying the pool in front of the clubhouse to our village. After a while the garish decor of our village isn't so offensive that you are able to ignore it without too much effort.
Personally, I suspect it's because I'm having way too much fun enjoying the company of my son to worry about the architectural crimes being committed by residential developments like the one we live in. He's growing up too fast, and keeping pace with him is as much as I can do. I suppose all those other things are just background clutter.
Here's Little Nio posing with his name. "N-I-O" in the pool. His Daddy is somewhere underwater holding him up.
Summer is almost over and the monsoon season with its heavy rains is almost upon us here. Little Nio takes his Daddy swimming as often as possible before it's too late and the rains force him to take to the indoors.
We've also gone and recently purchased a hexagonal shaped playpen. Very sturdy, very heavy duty. It's become a mini-activity center for Little Nio.
It's a place for drinking a bottle of milk.
It's a great place for taking a quick power nap.
And it's also a great place for hanging out with stuffed toy friends and doing a bit of exercise.
One of the other things that Little Nio has started to do is to role play. Or perhaps he is merely reliving a past life with very strong residual traces of a Mexican luchador? Highly unlikely though... he doesn't even have a mask.
Here's Little Nio standing in his hexagonal playpen, strangely reminiscent of the octagon that is an icon of the Ultimate Fighting Champion (UFC) competition. It's one thing to grow up unafraid, but perhaps training for the role might be going a bit too far.
This video clip shows Little Nio displaying his foot stomping skills. We suspect that he's actually copying his Mommy stomping out cockroaches. Here's his game face.