Here he is standing right beside his Mommy. He's only one year and eight months old, and already he's almost waist high to his Mommy (80 cms tall).
We found this toy in Central Chidlom department store. We were walking around the toy department when this caught Little Nio's eye and he wouldn't leave it alone so we decided to buy it for him. It's a toy car, a walker and has a lot of buttons to push. It recites the alphabet, counts numbers and plays nursery songs. Wasn't too expensive considering all the mileage he gets out of it.
This was taken while having lunch with our friends, Gerald, Miaow and Gem, at a Chinese restaurant.
Uncle Gerald gave Little Nio a cute lion stuffed toy that day. It was good catching up with friends, and it was great spending time with the family.
This case is actually a cosmetic case of his Mommy, but Little Nio has converted it into his briefcase. Here he is carrying it around and trying to open it up.
Right now the case is a tool box.
We found these toy tools at the gasoline station close to our house.
Very surprising gasoline station. We've purchased quite a few inexpensive toys for Little Nio from here. Every few weeks they actually stock new toys, that are of pretty decent quality.
Little Nio enjoys his new toy tools. Whether he's got them on the sofa of our family room, or on the floor, he really has good fun with them.