You must admit that after finishing it all off, still brandishing his popsicle stick, the chocolate stains make him look like he's sporting a moustache and goatee. Very sophisticated.
Eyes wide open, here is Little Nio riding in his stroller that even has a "Grip & Grasp" learning toy attachment.
One of the most exciting bits of news we have to share is that we have found a house that we want to buy.
Little Nio and his mom, my wife Kanittha, are posing right in front of the clubhouse of the gated community development. By the way that's not the house in the background.
Fortunately, the look of the clubhouse does not carry on to the look of the townhouse we plan to purchase. As an architect, and a very picky one at that, I was dumbstruck at how hideously presumptuous and garishly concieted it all was. Thoughts of my karma finally catching up with me... after all these years of bashing other people's designs, now here I was about to live in a place tantamount to a designer's worst nightmare. My eyes were melting in their sockets as we drove in through the gates.
My wife explained to me that we were looking at a unit in the second phase of the development, named Urbanion. You can click here to view the floor plans of the unit we are planning to purchase.
It's approximately 175m² on three really tiny floors. From carport to a living and dining area, that then spills out to a miniature backyard, it goes up to a family room on the second floor with a small bedroom we plan to convert to our study space. On the third floor is the master bedroom and another smaller bedroom which we are planning as Little Nio's room.
This is the front entrance going into their recently sold show unit.
This is a view at the staircase looking back down on the living room, dining room and out to the mini-backyard.
The tiny kitchen area.
My wife trying out the sofa set on the second floor family room.
We were able to place a reservation fee on the unit we wanted during a promotion period, so we were also able to get a free Plasma TV and home entertainment theater.
Upstairs on the third floor at the entrance to the bathroom from the master bedroom.
My wife, Kanittha, playing around with some of the props in the master bedroom.
We are hoping to get news regarding a loan from the bank over the next few weeks. If all goes well and the loan is granted we should be able to get some additional items done to the unit we are buying. Construction on our actual unit is scheduled for completion by the middle of December 2007. Knowing how the construction industry is here in this country, I take that deadline with a grain of salt. More realistically, if all goes well, we plan to move in on Little Nio's birthday — February 24, 2008. That event will become a very memorable birthday for him and for all of us.