This first comic strip is entitled "Little Nio Saves the Chicken". I know that it sounds a lot like something a superhero might do, but all he's doing here is saving it for later.

This second comic strip Little Nio Picks a Book, has our son perusing the titles of my reference library. Unfortunately all of the books on the shelves he can reach are all technical manuals, so they are bound to put him to sleep.

This third strip is named "Little Nio Defines Finger Foods" and was taken at a lovely restaurant at Central Chidlom.

This fourth comic strip is the most recent in the series, entitled "Little Nio and the Mummies". We're hoping that Little Nio's natural curiosity develops into a genuine thirst for knowledge and a deep love of learning. Here he is examining some DVD documentaries.
By the way, before I forget, today is my mother's birthday (Little Nio's Lola Nene), so here's a wish of love to her - for good health, much happiness, tons more blessings and lots and lots more birthdays!