Things have been rough all around. Work has slowed down considerably and the jobs that are out there are under heavy competition. We don't have help at home, so my wife, Kanittha, is all alone doing all the housework and taking care of Little Nio who is well in his "Terrible Two's" mode. My wife isn't lazy, but she's not exactly built for heavy industrial abuse... so between a little boy and three floors of cleaning, cooking and all the laundry, she is past the point of exhaustion.
Despite that, she's managed to hang on and keep the house clean, the laundry and ironing done, put food on the table, keep the little boy clean and well fed. So she has done an admirable job and I love her to pieces for keeping us all going in these troubled times.
Little Nio has managed to stay on top of things. Here he is on the computer table taking a closer look at all the stuff he's not supposed to be playing with.
Here he is on the bathroom floor, playing with his flashlight. It's absolutely fascinating watching him play with that flashlight. It keeps him quiet and totally preoccupied for a while. At least until the bulb gets busted or the batteries run out.
We've made some preliminary attempts at toilet training, but we don't really want to force it on him yet. As you can see, it's not going very well. He's having too much fun using the potty as a helmet.
He spends a lot of time with me in my study (whenever I'm home), so he's got his toolbox stashed there. He enjoys playing with all the tools. Obviously the hammer is a favorite, but then he also has great fun with the power drill, the saw and the ratchet.
Little Nio is most definitely a little boy when it comes to play time. I have to admit that we do play a bit rough and we enjoy ourselves thoroughly, but I do have to make sure that he learns not to play too rough with other kids later on. I hope that he doesn't become a bully.
Here he is dressed up in desert cammies with a helmet. He's a real character with a very livid imagination.
Doing a bit of research on armor from his Daddy's reference library.
Here he is with the family pet, Samuel. Our aging Siamese cat is not a big fan of getting manhandled, but he understands that Little Nio is just being a bit heavy handed in his affections. Little Nio will go around calling after the cat, yelling "SAEOW! SAEOW! SAEOW!"
Here they are spending some play time together, with Little Nio carrying a plastic katana. The sword lights up on impact and makes awesome crashing sounds. At least it did for a couple of weeks, but it didn't survive the sword fights.
His latest toy is 39 THB (1.13 USD / 53.37 PHP) plastic toy gun, scaled perfectly for two-year-old hands. I'm not sure if it's supposed to be an Enfield, FAMAS or a Steyr, but Little Nio adores it.
His pretend play is impressive, and he has some pretty good moves. For whatever reason, he takes to this sort of play-acting instinctively.
Even sitting down he's still in action.
Non-stop action and it doesn't look like he's going to run out of ammo any time soon.