Here we are at the hospital on Friday morning, 23-Feb-2007, around 10:00 AM, with our doctor, Dr. Phiboon. A really nice man and an excellent doctor. This is when we found out the little pains that my wife was having the night before were actually the beginnings of her labor pains.
Here is Kanittha all wired up in the labor ward, ready for the tremendous task of making a miracle happen. At this stage, we are told that the opening is about 2 cm, which is still a long way from the 10 cm that is optimum for delivery.
At 3:00 PM, even though her strength and spirits are still very high she's beginning to get tired and dehydrated. Our doctor tells us that she's still only at 3 cm, and that he would like to give her some rest first. So, he decides to take her off the medications that will induce labor and lets nature take its course.
At 10:00 PM her condition is still the same, but the contractions are coming naturally and are getting quite painful so she requests for some pain killers so that she can save her energy for the next morning. She sends me home to get some rest first.
I get a call waking me up at around 4:00 AM, Kanittha calmly tells me that the contractions are very close together and that she is now at 8 cm. I get dressed and drive over to the hospital, which is only about 10 minutes away. When I arrive she is more than 9 cm. As soon as Dr. Phiboon arrives, we go into the delivery room.
I'd like to share the following images with my family, that might be a bit disturbing to some people, but rest assured these are all framed and cropped to keep things dignified and decent. I was in the delivery room the whole time with both a video camera and digital camera recording this miracle. If you still feel a little squeamish, just scroll down past the next three images.
This was taken just a few minutes before our son came into the world with a strong loud cry declaring his presence to the universe.
Less than a minute after the umbilicus is cut and tied up, Nio is very expertly swaddled up and placed right with his mother.
Unlike most babies, my son is born with eyes wide open. And while he might not be able to focus and see things yet, he is already exploring his world and taking it all in. He was complaining and crying when his pediatrician, Dr. Wanasiri, and the nurses were clearing out his sinuses and airways. But when I started humming the "Lullaby" of Brahms to him, he immediately quieted down. All the nurses and doctors in the room were simply amazed by this. We explained that Nio had been hearing this music ever since we knew his mother was first pregnant.
So here he is — "Antonio Vachirawit Navarro" born at 5:26 AM on February 24, 2007, 2.964 kg (± 6 lbs 8.5 ozs.). He's not a very big baby, but considering his mother is a tiny woman, he is the perfect size and he is in excellent health.
Here he is in the nursery with all the other babies. There were quite a lot of babies born this day as this is an excellent day to be born here. It is a Buddhist holy day.
Here is our son with his maternal grandmother, my mother-in-law. She's having a real hard time putting him down and leaving him alone, but that's understandable as Nio is extremely adorable. Having her around has been extremely helpful for all of us.
And finally, here is Antonio with his very proud father. This was taken later that evening at around 9:00 PM. Happy Birthday, Nio!
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