Here she is still in the hospital, hamming it up for the camera. This was taken on Sunday morning, the day after the delivery. You can see that she is in extremely high spirits. Still a bit weak, but very much on the mend. Lots of fluids, soft foods and plenty of rest are on the agenda for recovery.
This is Nio with his second visitor, Khun Taw, or "Uncle Kenneth", who is the Design Director at the firm where I work. Taw brought us a beautiful arrangement of flowers that really brightened up the whole room. Nio's first visitor, however, was our very good friend, Tata Montilla, or "Tito Tata" to my son. Tata was extremely helpful and we probably wouldn't have managed the easy homecoming without his invaluable help. Unfortunately, we still don't have a photo of Nio with Tata.
Of course Nio's day wouldn't be complete without the visit of our good friend, Gerald Gonzalez, or "Tita Gerald". We have all jokingly agreed that he's going to be Nio's fairy godmother. No enchanting fairytale would be complete without one. And whom better to choose than a person with a beautiful spirit.
All swaddled up and tucked in tight with his mommy.
The next day, Monday, 26-Feb-2007, we brought our son home. The silly looking person with the insanely happy expression is me.
Here he is all tucked into his own bed ready to spend his first night at home. My wife really likes this grey outfit and says that our son looks like a monk in this photograph.
On the evening of Tuesday, 27-Feb-2007, after a late night change of diapers we were concerned about some slight bleeding around the area of the circumcision operation. Not wanting to take even the slightest chance, we all piled into the car and headed off to Vichaiyut Hospital early Wednesday morning, 28-Feb-2007 at 01:00 H.
We were relieved when his pediatrician, Dr. Wanasiri, who just happened to be on duty that night, told us that it had just gotten scratched by his diapers. She prescribed some antibiotic topical ointment to prevent any possibility of infections, and to help soothe the wound.
Unfortunately the trip to the hospital and the four fights of stairs in our apartment building took it's toll on my wife, Kanittha. I had to miss another day of work to make sure that my mother-in-law and I could take care of both mother and child.
The next morning, our son, was definitely feeling much better...
In the image right above he's busy watching the teddy bears on his musical mobile go round and round. He can't quite see them yet, but the shapes are blotting out the light and he can see that happening. It appears that he takes after his father, in that he is easily entertained.
Fresh after a bath, here is Nio all dressed up in an oriental inspired outfit with super baggy pants. He's getting ready to do what he does best...
... sleep!
Another day in the life of our son, Antonio.
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