Here's Little Nio posing in front of the pin-up Christmas Tree. I suppose having an actual tree would be too much of a hassle, specially with a few dozen little children running around. A real tree would take up too much room, be a real obstruction and who knows what kinds of allergic the kids might have to it. And that's one of the things I appreciate most about Fullakids, there's a lot of foresight given to decisions made for the children. Always very safe and sensible.
Looks like storytelling or singing time, with Little Nio sitting right beside his teacher, Miss Radeane, who owns and runs Fullakids. She has three of her own children, but she enjoys taking care and teaching the kids.
Here's Little Nio posing with his little hat that has his name "Antonio" written on the hem in nice big silver letters.
Looks like they're ready to have some activities here.
Dancing time! Little Nio has picked out a friend to be his partner. The daycare has about thirty to forty children from ages 2 to 5 years old, but the average age seems to be 3. The children are from all over the world, with about half of the kids Asian and only a handful of kids from Thailand. This is excellent exposure for Little Nio at a really early age. Reminds me of that song from "South Pacific"... "You've Got to Be Carefully Taught".
A very thoughtful little Christmas gift from Fullakids!
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