On the positive side, Little Nio's appetite is not a problem at all. Here he is literally chewing on a bone after cleaning it up by himself. Looks about the size of a child's forearm bone... the ulna more specifically, but this is from a pork's knuckle dish. Call him a "cannibaby", but he does love to eat.
Sporting his blue stripped pyjamas, the worried look is the expression he has when he's working on his bowel movement. Not quite toilet trained yet, but we're working on it.
Little Nio enjoys going places with his Daddy and having all kinds of adventures. Here he is exploring the recently completed offices for Thai Otsuka Pharmaceuticals, helping generate the defects rectification list.
After a hard day of helping his Dad, Little Nio decides on a well deserved snack. As parents, we will always try to do the best for our children, but at the same time give them as much freedom to be themselves. Here's hoping that the toughest choice Little Nio will need to make is whether to have the cheese danish or the banana muffin. At least for the next few years.
Happily munching away on some Pepperidge Farm chocolate cookies safely buckled in to his car seat. Little Nio knows how to make the most of the Bangkok traffic by hiding a few cookies in his tummy.
Here's Little Nio trying out the chainsaw that Tita Via gave to him. He's trying it out on his Mommy's leg and she doesn't seem to mind too much. Let's just hope that this doesn't foreshadow a career in vivesection or worse still, a chainsaw massacre villain.
Happily bouncing on his grandmother's lap, Yai Tiab. She enjoys spending time with Little Nio, but he can be too much for her to handle when he starts playing hard.
Spending some television time with his aunt, Somcare. She is the younger cousin of my wife, Kanittha. They get along extremely well and they love rough-housing a bit. They all stayed with us for a few weeks and it was great fun having everyone around.
Here he is enjoying some fruit juice while sitting in his high chair. Little Nio is an amazing little boy, with a great character and a great appetite.
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