We didn't go out of town for Songkran (Buddhist Thai New Year) this year. It actually can get very dangerous on the roads during this holiday season with the accident rates being alarmingly high. We stayed in Bangkok and simply went to have a nice family lunch together. Here's Little Nio with his Mommy, waiting for the lifts at Siam Paragon.
Posing near the pond right outside one of our favorite restaurants at Siam Paragon, Café Chili. It's located on the ground level of the mall and it serves fantastic northeastern (Issarn) style food. My wife, Kanittha, is from that part of the country and she gives the cuisine here top marks.
Back home after lunch, Mommy teaches Little Nio a few important rituals to pay respect to the Buddha during this religious holiday.
Here's Little Nio with his Daddy standing in front of the house.
It's a really good sign that a child is curious about his environment and Little Nio has shown nothing but a healthy interest in everything around him. Despite barely being able to walk, he shows tremendous manual dexterity and mechanical capacity. Not only will he try opening drawers, but once he finds something interesting he will try to find out more.
The colored photos in this catalog look interesting, but for all we know he might have spotted a real bargain with some of those discount prices.
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