Here's Little Nio enjoying breakfast early in the morning.
He's having a healthy meal with rice and meat and some mashed up veggies. The froggie looking bowl is a gift from our friend Tata Montilla.
Like an Olympic gymnast, he finishes up his meal and prepares to dismount his high chair. Maybe I am biased... but I would give him a perfect score of 10.0 for that performance.
We are very careful about the water we drink at home and most specially the water that Little Nio drinks. We get our bottled water from a company called Sprinkle, which we all drink. Except that for the milk formula for Little Nio, his water gets boiled and filtered again. Standing on the first step of our staircase going up, Little Nio contemplates the finer points of water management.
Here he is playing with an empty water bottle from our dispensing machine.
Copying what he sees, Little Nio picks up the empty bottle and carries it over for a refill. He hasn't quite figured out the sequence of which bottle goes where, and when it should go there, but he knows that an empty bottle can get a water refill from the dispenser.
Here he is carrying the empty bottle over. He's pretty strong for his size and very determined once he gets his mind set on doing something. It sometimes makes it difficult to let him know that what he's up to isn't really the right thing to do.
One step up the staircase. He has single-handedly managed to lift the empty water bottle up the first step. If we weren't there to dissuade him, he might very well have made the attempt to go all the way up to the second floor.
Following the melamine food scandals in China affecting powdered milk formula, snacks and even eggs, we have been very cautious about what Little Nio eats.
"Manna" is a product made in Japan and it is a biscuit that is a calcium supplement for babies and young children. We've checked all the documentation online about the products and factories that have been affected, and this particular product passes with flying colors.
Not content with our check, Little Nio conducts his own careful inspection. He painstakingly spreads out the biscuits and gingerly sorts each piece.
He then breaks it down to smaller pieces and does a more detailed check. He diligently scrutinizes the pulverized bits to see if anything looks suspicious or melamine-like.
Once the product passes his rigorous inspection he gives it a smile of approval.
And, the snacking continues.
We're very proud of his progress and we are very happy that he is so very healthy, alert and active.
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