Here's Little Nio with one of my oldest friends and colleagues at the office, Khun Jae and her husband, Khun Sak. Jae and I have been working together at Steven J. Leach + Associates for years now. She's one of our senior interior designers, one of the most experienced members on staff with her expertise being in high-end residential detailing.
Little Nio enjoys the company of Khun Sak. He doesn't normally allow other folks to carry him around, but he's very comfortable with Khun Sak. I think it goes both ways as I hear that Khun Sak is not exactly comfortable with most small kids. He works with the cultural arm of government, in the historical preservations and museums department.
Back again at our apartment in SB Court with his Daddy.
One of the things we all enjoy doing together is going shopping. Here Little Nio has commandeered a shopping cart and is cruising the aisles at Villa Market.
Enjoying a long late lunch at Samsen Tavern with Tita Gerald and Tito Tata seated in front, with Daddy, Little Nio and Mommy standing at the back.
We try to make it a point to check on work progress at our new house regularly. Little Nio enjoys the drive every weekend and likes to walk around all over the place. Here is with Mommy standing on the short landing leading up to the second floor of our new house.
In the evenings, Little Nio likes to spend time in front of the computer banging away at the keyboard, just like his Daddy. Pretty soon he'll be taking over and writing this blog.
At the end of the day, just before going to sleep, Little Nio crawls into the big bed and grabs the remote control to do a bit of channel surfing before calling it a night.
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