September brought us another visitor here in Bangkok, my one and only brother, Nico! I don't have enough words here to describe the wonder that is my younger brother. Here he is with Kanittha, just outside the apartment building where we live. We were on our way out to go visit the night market in Huay Khwang. Kanittha wanted us to go shopping for...
Yes, deep fried insects. My wife is a great fan of bugs as a source of protein. I'm not sure about the nutritional value, but the novelty factor is quite high.
The wife and I at Huay Khwang market.
Here's Nico with one of my oldest friends here in Bangkok, Sam. Sam's the little guy with the pointy ears and the hairy face. We'll talk about the little guy some other time. Nico stayed with us for a few days, but he was mostly busy attending the Advanced Course of Landmark Education. That took up most of the time he was here, but it was still incredible to have him around.