A few days before Christmas, we got a call from up-country, from Sakhon Nakorn, bearing terrible news. Both her parents were in a vehicular accident and both of them had been injured quite badly. Kanittha was distraught and distracted. Even when we did all we could and both parents were on their way to the hospital, she was still very restless and tense, which is not a very good way to be during a pregnancy. To help get her mind of things, we put together our very first digital Christmas greeting card. It helped keep her calm and gave her enough time to collect herself. News came that both parents were out of danger and that they were both on their way to recovery.
We count our blessings all the time.
My wife is a full-time housewife, with myself being the only breadwinner in our family. And as such, with all the gift-giving going around, she literally had no money of her own to buy me anything. She gave me a framed montage of a few of our photographs that she put together herself, which I think is absolutely perfect. And then she agreed to go to Christmas Eve mass at the Church of the Holy Redeemer here in Bangkok.
That may not mean much to most of you, but it reminds me a little bit of O. Henry's short story "The Gift of the Magi".
But, since Christmas is all about giving. I thought I would give my wife the most memorable Christmas she could ever expect. Nothing over the top, but I did make it a point to shower her with lots of gifts.
I think my wife looks gorgeous with that little Santa Claus hat on her. She looks very happy in these pictures and I will always want her to be this way. Seeing her like this makes me realize that the miracle of Christmas is not in the gifts, but in all the love and happiness that we create and share with one another.
A very Merry Christmas to you all!