Sunday, July 08, 2007

More of Nio at KiDO, July 2007

After the first few visits at Little Nio's playschool, KiDO, we decided to give him his own play space at home. Colorful interlocking rubber floor tiles and a few friendly stuffed toys makes for some simple fun space.

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Here we are back again at KiDO, Little Nio with his mom.

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Every week at KiDO they have a new feature toy with a special skill. One session they had a large octagon with a bean bag on one side. Little Nio was propped up on one side and then we all rocked the bag back and forth. This was a very good test for his balance, and he didn't get freaked out by the experience.

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Another regular feature they have is the parachute time, where all the kids get to spend a little exercise time under a big colorful parachute. I suppose it teaches the kids spatial perception and color perception at the same time.

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Either before the play session begins or shortly after, we all grab a bit of lunch to eat. Sometimes we end up at a Japanese restaurant named, "Kobune", and other times we go have lunch at "Banana Beach". Here we are at the dining table just before food arrives at "Banana Beach".

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After a long day of play, Little Nio mugs one of his cute faces with a thoughtful twisted lip.

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Then back at home with another great outfit that resembles a baseball uniform, "Baby League".

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