Monday, May 10, 2004

Visiting Phuket, May 2004

Not long after we came back from the Philippines I had an invitation to visit Phuket Island, which is on the southwestern part of Thailand on the Andaman Sea. I was able to book a very nice boutique hotel called the Baan Karonburi Resort.

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Above is Kanittha making sure I know which resort we're supposed to be staying in. Right next to our resort is another tiny establishment, which serves a much better breakfast that we were almost tempted to walk up to their dining room instead.

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After breakfast is the perfect time to run around on the beach. Terrorizing the local wildlife, composed of stray dogs and domesticated water buffalo, seems to be the appropriate thing to do.

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I had a chance to catch up with Tom Keator — a former employer, one time mentor and a very good friend. Here we are having a late lunch at the Savoey Seafood Restaurant. The food here comes highly recommended and it definitely lives up to its reputation.

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Other than running around and eating, Kanittha and I also made sure we spent enough time enjoying a cold beer in the pool bar at our hotel. Great fun!