That Little Nio enjoys his outfits... specially when we are talking about cool pirate outfits that come with excellent details on the derriere.

We've learned that in less than a month, Little Nio can nearly double his weight. Have a look at how he's filled out in this brown outfit.

We've also learned that while Little Nio enjoys bathtime with his Daddy, he doesn't take too kindly to being scrubbed hard down in the nether regions, south of the border.

We also know that Little Nio has hit an important milestone in his mobility — by being able to lift up his own neck while lying on his belly.

He's come a long way with a little help from Mommy, and lots of love too.

Here he is taking a quick nap on his Mommy's shoulder.
We've also been incredibly amazed at the range of expressions Antonio has developed.

We're going to be posting more of these for you all very soon.
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